I have ghost-written a number of novels and stories in a variety of genres. My ghost writing CV is available upon request. Under my own name I have had published:
- a gratifying number of novels …
- 18 stories …
- and non-fiction (below)
Christian stuff
- Harry Potter & the Flawed Arguments: the thoughts of a Christian Potterphile.
- Christian Right, Christian Wrong: a Christian response to fundamentalism.
- A roundtable on faith depiction in SFF: an online symposium in which I fly the Christian flag.
More than Writers: The blog of the Association of Christian Writers
Thoughts on writing (from the blog of United Ghostwriters)
- Coming over here, taking our jobs: My thoughts on AI replacing writers.
- Wibbly-wobbly, plotty-wotty stuff: How plotting works.
- On the Shoulders of Giants: How fiction builds on fiction.
- In the Master’s Footsteps: How I came to write a sequel to Treasure Island.
- Are you sitting on a story?: Ghostwriting fiction.
- “Someone might steal my idea!” Trust me, they won’t.
- Write what somebody knows: But not what you know. No.
- What’s missing? On developing your idea into a story.
- Splinter of Ice: Know an author? Chances are good you’ll end up in a book. Don’t hold it against them, it’s what we do …
- It’s not always about the writing: A story is so much more than just the idea.
- “Memory, all alone in the moonlight …” Do you remember it clearly? Are you sure?
Book Reviews
And some odds’n’sods …
- Rage against the Greys: a rant about obsessive compulsive abducting aliens
- Orson Scott Card: An Appreciation
- Card coda: Saints
- 20,000 Leagues under the Sea
- The Wind From Nowhere — J.G. Ballard