Set the controls for the heart of the sun

Is this the best job, in (or off) the world, ever?

About midday today a space ship will crash / has crashed into the Pacific.

Six months ago the Jules Verne space truck ferried a load of cargo up to the International Space Station. It has been docked there ever since, slowly filling up with the ISS’s rubbish. Now it will take its final plunge, overseen by the European Space Agency’s freighter control centre in Toulouse.

This means there is someone in France, right now, whose job is to crash spaceships.

Who is this person, and why isn’t it me?

Minus, not Vimes. Plus, not Nobby

Your result for The Which Discworld Character Am I Test…

Captain Carrot

# You scored 90% on intelligence, higher than 65% of your peers.
# You scored 59% on morality, higher than 51% of your peers.
# You scored 78% on strength, higher than 90% of your peers.

You are an intriguing character. Good hearted, incredibly strong, and a headful of information that makes that Jeopardy guy look like a bar trivia hack. No one knows what to make of a six-foot tall dwarf who dates a werewolf, and may be the true heir to the throne of Ankh-Morpork. But you can make everyone get along, and are a born leader.

Take The Which Discworld Character Am I Test at HelloQuizzy

[Ben’s note: can I just point out that whoever devised this test spells “Captain” “Captian”. I couldn’t really let that go uncorrected.]